Bike E-Shop

Posted almost 8 years ago by Theodoros Kondakos

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Theodoros Kondakos

Hello! I am an intern student that wants to create a bike e-shop as part of my internship. To make long story short i need to make the bike purchase experience configurable.

What needs to be configured are:

  • The color of the bike (up to 220 colors)
  • The color of the wheel rims ()
  • The type of the saddle (3-4 types of saddles)
  • The type of the tires 
  • The type of the handlebars (3-4 types of handlebars)
  • And there are two types of bike. Normal and E-Bike

When a customer selects one of the above options, i want the product to be changing visually in the preview, more or less as the Sneakers Example.

Overall the configuration will be quite complex, but do you think that with Fancy Product Designer i can achieve that? What i have in mind as an example is this webstore:

The Platform will be Wordpress and WooCommerce?

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

In general that is possible, yes. However a lot of work, because each of these variations has to be setup manually. We've also never personally tested FPD & MSPC with that many variations - so no guarantees.

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Sascha Retschitzegger posted over 7 years ago

Hi Theodoros.

Did you have founded a solution for your wishes?

I'm search for something similar.

Thanks for a short reply.


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

In general that is possible, yes. However a lot of work, because each of these variations has to be setup manually. We've also never personally tested FPD & MSPC with that many variations - so no guarantees.

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