Dissapearing Images & Design Settings Bugs

Posted almost 8 years ago by jayvee

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After you add a design to a design category and click into the settings of a specific design and add a design thumbnail it will disapear from the settings modal. However, the data is saved and the design thumb shows on the front-end.


  1. Navigate to: https://domain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=fpd_manage_designs&category_id=xxxx
  2. Select any Design Category with at least one design.
  3. Click the gear icon to manage a design, but choose one that has a Design Thumbnail showing.
  4. Scroll down and click Set.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Click the gear icon once more on the same design.
  7. The thumbnail image no longer display.

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Anytime you uncheck or check the 'enable options' on a design's settings it deletes all the uploaded images and resets the design. 

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

The page you linked to requires login. Please open a support ticket and send some login credentials so that we can help you/ take a look at the issue, thanks!


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jayvee posted almost 8 years ago

Could you actually redact that URL and use example.com.  I will open a ticket and let you guys check it out on our staging server. 

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

The page you linked to requires login. Please open a support ticket and send some login credentials so that we can help you/ take a look at the issue, thanks!


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