show only some speciffic designs category

Posted almost 8 years ago by mikelweb

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Is possible to show only some clipart models from the gallery depending on which product is being customized?

Example, If I’m customizing a t-shirt, I click in Add art, and there are only nature pictures. But If I’m customizing a vcard I click Add art and there are only logos.
Is this possible, even with some codding? In this site, when you choose a category, then you will only see that images category.


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

You can select which design categories show up on a product level (individual settings on the products edit page). You'd need to put the categories together based on which designs you want to show up which product.

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mikelweb posted almost 8 years ago

OK Thanks!!


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

You can select which design categories show up on a product level (individual settings on the products edit page). You'd need to put the categories together based on which designs you want to show up which product.

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