Having Fancy Product Designer different language

Posted almost 8 years ago by Alve Castellanos

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Alve Castellanos

Hi there, 

I'm planning to purchase this plugin to use it on a site in French and I wonder if I can have it in different language instead of English? 



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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

The plugin only comes with English and German, but it is compatible with WPML if you want to use that. Other than that you can always translate the frontend via the settings, labels tab. If you need the backend language to change you can also edit the .po / .mo files with a program like poedit. Please do not change the name of the plugin as that will create issues.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

It's still the same answer only that german is also available in the backend.

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Lene Madestam posted over 5 years ago

Is this still true? I see that this post is from two years ago, but I am wondering if there are other languages available at this time? 

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

The plugin only comes with English and German, but it is compatible with WPML if you want to use that. Other than that you can always translate the frontend via the settings, labels tab. If you need the backend language to change you can also edit the .po / .mo files with a program like poedit. Please do not change the name of the plugin as that will create issues.

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