Problem with the fpd icons in the customizer

Posted almost 8 years ago by Sonia

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Thanks for this nice plugin. I have integrated this plugin into my website. I am using captiva theme. but this plugin creates problem with this theme. May be there is some confliction. as the icond are not showing in the customizer . I have attached the screenshot here. Anyone can help??

That will be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance..

Attachments (1)

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

Your theme is replacing all the icons with it's own. Please contact your theme developer for help.

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Alamdeep posted almost 3 years ago

Hi FPD team

I have got the same issue with FPD icons showing as squares. Any chance of help, please?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin

Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look at your issue.

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Team Colours posted about 5 years ago

@Johnny, can you add an option to change the icons, as using CSS to replace Font Awesome icons doesn't work.

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

Your theme is replacing all the icons with it's own. Please contact your theme developer for help.

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