Help with file upload limit size please

Posted almost 8 years ago by Angelina G

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Angelina G

I have a vps this is hosted on and confirmed that on woocommerce i can upload way over 200 mb. But when I try with fancy product designer the upload limit is 10mb and really needs a bump for larger sizes.

Have you had a similar problem, After reading tips I still cannot find what to change. I can upload large files with Gravity forms but not with Fancy Product Designer.

Thank you, help is really appreciated

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

The only thing that I could thing of is that you should check your php.ini max_upload_size.

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Natalie Savage posted over 7 years ago

Have the same issue. I increased max_upload_size in php.ini up to 10 Mb and still nothing. I didn't have this issue with old version of the plugin.

How to fix it? help please!! 

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

The only thing that I could thing of is that you should check your php.ini max_upload_size.

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