You can do that simply by inputting multiple products on the WooCommerce page, or one or several product categories:
1 person likes this
sidney Jackson
about 8 years ago
Having the same issue with swap products not showing up. Here's the instructions that I followed.
1. Go to products--> added new one
2. Added Fancy Products in the Fancy Product Designer meta box ( on the right side of the screen)
3. Added my desired products T-shirts and crew neck sweaters
4. Publish page
* No swap images are showing up
Is there anyone out there that knows the trick to getting the swap images to show up?
sidney Jackson
about 8 years ago
Problem solved! Adding multiple products on the wooCommerce page works like a charm! Thanks Johnny :)
over 3 years ago
Hello everyone, I have a question, there is a way that the single product page (description, prage and atributes) can change according the product I'm selecting from the swap produtcs tab?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Wendy Lee Sobisky
over 2 years ago
Deleted Agent, I used your suggestion and it worked.
You can do that simply by inputting multiple products on the WooCommerce page, or one or several product categories:
1 person likes this
Having the same issue with swap products not showing up. Here's the instructions that I followed.
1. Go to products--> added new one
2. Added Fancy Products in the Fancy Product Designer meta box ( on the right side of the screen)
3. Added my desired products T-shirts and crew neck sweaters
4. Publish page
* No swap images are showing up
Is there anyone out there that knows the trick to getting the swap images to show up?
Problem solved! Adding multiple products on the wooCommerce page works like a charm! Thanks Johnny :)
Hello everyone, I have a question, there is a way that the single product page (description, prage and atributes) can change according the product I'm selecting from the swap produtcs tab?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Deleted Agent, I used your suggestion and it worked.
Thank you!