Bounding Box not working
Hi Johnny,
I've recently downloaded the latest version available on codecanyon and Im unable to create a bounding box. Ive followed the instructions in the video and here to no avail. The poster demo is also not creating a bounding box. Im using the woocommerce plugin.
I've included screenshots below of the configuration of the designer and the end result (where the image isn't being clipped when outside the bounds). Im using the base transparent image thats included with the demo.
Any ideas on this would be great.
Other than this nice work :)
I'd guess that you forgot to set the custom uploaded image to use the bounding box? As it is right now you set the bounding box for the cake top layer. What you want to do is to set it for custom added images. This you can do in the main settings (for all products) under the default element options, image options or on a product level in the individual settings, image options tab.