The product designer too small

Posted almost 8 years ago by Cs Áron

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Cs Áron


I have purchased the item, now with a theme what I have use right now, the product deisgner is too small. Can you help me a bit why?

Can you suggest me a good theme which is perfect for this plugin?

Thank you very much!


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

There are probably some div's surrounding the designer which limit it's width, this can happen with all themes. If you open a support ticket and send me a link to your page I can check the CSS and give you some custom CSS to add which should fix the matter.

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

There are probably some div's surrounding the designer which limit it's width, this can happen with all themes. If you open a support ticket and send me a link to your page I can check the CSS and give you some custom CSS to add which should fix the matter.

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