Facebook and Instagram not working on iPhone

Posted about 8 years ago by Stanley Bucasas

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Stanley Bucasas

Desktop and android phones are able to upload from Facebook and Instagram, but not iPhones.

iPhone will login to facebook, but no albums are populated, just a blank drop down.

Anyone else have thsi problem?


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

From what I know PHP version should not matter, there seem to have been some people with issues which were solved when switching the php version. Could you create a ticket, please? I'd like to take a look at the page and in case there really is an issue inform the developer (always good to have a url with the issue for that).

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

From what I know PHP version should not matter, there seem to have been some people with issues which were solved when switching the php version. Could you create a ticket, please? I'd like to take a look at the page and in case there really is an issue inform the developer (always good to have a url with the issue for that).

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Stanley Bucasas posted almost 8 years ago

It has worked for me before, I have just migrated the site onto its final home.

Does PHP version matter?  I know that was the difference for me before (I would get error pop ups saying "OK"). 

Site is hosted on WP ENGINE, PHP version is 5.5.9 - It worked on my test site at 5.2.   WP Engine said they can't change the PHP version


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago

I can only say that it's working on our demo pages. Can you confirm that?

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