
Font size

Good day! For example we use 18 font size on bussiness card and on t-shirt. Now it will show same size, but size of bussiness card in 5 times smaller then t-shirt. Its not possible to scale text?

  • Of course it is possible to scale the text. Simply use the mouse to drag one of the edges or increase the font size via the menu.

  • You mean in frontent? When customer using FPD?


  • If you meant the backend in the builder, you can also configure the font sizes there:

  • Johnny i will try to explain better. Word "Hello" when font have size 18 is about 3 inches wide on bussiness card, but now its only 1 inch wide.


  • And another example. On t-shirt word "Hello" must be 0,3 inch (because t-shirt in 10 times bigger then bussiness card) but it have same size


  • Ah, I think I finally think I understood what you mean. You basically want to set different default font sizes for different products? If that's it that is currently not possible. Please head on over to the feature request forum and place an idea there, thanks.

  • Ok, thank you!


  • Hello,

    is this feature implemented now, or is there a workaround? Or maybe is there a place I can change the default font size for all PRoducts (e.g a Script file)?



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