Replacing items

Posted about 8 years ago by david leslie

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david leslie

Hello, I am very interested in using your Fancy product designer but I would need to replace the coffee mug with another type of cup. is this possible to do? I'm assuming i would need to color them all myself.

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Best Answer

I'm not quite sure whether I understand you correctly. You can with our plugin in general present / sell any kind of product, as long as you have or can generate the necessary image files. We only offer the option to download a small number of samples to facilitate learning to create your own products.

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david leslie posted about 8 years ago

Basically i need to place my own product, probably a .png of an item in different colors, instead of t shirts,cups, whatever probably comes with it.

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Answer

I'm not quite sure whether I understand you correctly. You can with our plugin in general present / sell any kind of product, as long as you have or can generate the necessary image files. We only offer the option to download a small number of samples to facilitate learning to create your own products.

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