Create Product with fixed number of text lines

Posted about 8 years ago by Michelle Read

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Michelle Read

Hi there Fancy Product Community,

I have a customer who would like to have a design of a product, where a particular image is surrounded by a word cloud made up of 10 specific words/phrases.  Is it possible to design a product, where the user is requested to fill in these 10 lines, and not be able to add anything else, but most important must fill in all 10 lines, i.e. enter 10 phrases/words and not leave any blank?

Thanks in advance of your help :)

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Best Answer

Sure, simply add ten text layers in the product builder in the positions where you want them and set them to be editable. You can disable custom added text via the individual product settings.

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Answer

Sure, simply add ten text layers in the product builder in the positions where you want them and set them to be editable. You can disable custom added text via the individual product settings.

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