Designs with 4MB images cannot be added to cart

Posted about 8 years ago by Stanley Bucasas

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Stanley Bucasas

1.  I've updated the php.ini

2.  I can upload a 5mb image to both WordPress, and the FPD

3.  HOWEVER, when I try to add to cart, image uploads, then the cart page never shows up, it crashes the browser.

Anyone have any ideas?

Max upload size is ok, memory is ok.  Designer works fine with smaller images.

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Best Answer

Not really, no. You could open a support ticket (with a URL, etc) and we could take a look at it there

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Natalie Savage posted over 7 years ago

I have exactly the same problem here. How did you fix it?

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Answer

Not really, no. You could open a support ticket (with a URL, etc) and we could take a look at it there

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