
Image cut in the middle


When they download a design, some users told me the image (png or jpg) is cut in the middle.

I suggest them to use another web browser and it works.

But i don't know which browser plugin or settings is causing this.

Does anybody encounter the same problem?

Any idea, suggestions?

  • We've not encountered this issue before, which browsers where affected?

  • 2 persons reported on safari browser (one on a mac other on ipad)

    1 person reported this on windows firefox.

    I suspected the design (postcards) size, one time i reduced it from 1200px (width) to 900px, and that solved the problem, user could download the customized design with no problem.

    After a while some designs with 900px and 500px height had this same problem.

    So it still not clear for me right now if it's the browser, the size or something else!!!

    i will try to collect more infos as users report this...

  • My experience: all macbook pro with retina displays! It's incredible! Independent of browsers. The error is also directly on the demo website fancy.


  • Thanks and  our sincerest apologies, we'll look into it.

  • We are looking into it and there should be a fix soon.

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