Answered view save product show all product designer page u usama started a topic almost 9 years ago view save product show all product designer page
Sorry, what exactly is the problem?
save product his show only one page not full website product page
Hm... We have not had anyone report a similar issue before, could you send a link to page with the issue?
If you have the canvas size really bit, you will get all of the canvas in download, and not just the product.
i have save product
but show only page page
Everything on that site works as it is supposed to.
When you SAVE a product, that works and saves the product with customization for you to reload when needed
When you download a product you get all the views that you have on your stage.
See attached file for downloaded image of product.
I am not sure what you mean by " But show only page page" ?
Your designer is working good and fast I like how fast your site is.