Text appear below upload zone

Posted about 8 years ago by Mike

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Hi ,

I have a problem, i have creat a product with an uploaded zone and text. My text layer is at right and i have checkes stay on top, but when i add a design

My text are below the design.

I have deactivate all plugin  and theme but this problem persist.

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Best Answer

Please open a ticket for the issue if you need our help, as we might need to take a look at your page, thanks.

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Zamfir Marian posted over 4 years ago

Did you find a soultion for this? I have the same issue..

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Zamfir Marian posted over 4 years ago

Did you find a solution for this? I have the same issue..

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Zamfir Marian posted over 4 years ago

Did you find a solution for this? I have the same issue..

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago Answer

Please open a ticket for the issue if you need our help, as we might need to take a look at your page, thanks.

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Mike posted about 8 years ago

Hi Jason,
Thx for your repply, Ihave deactivate the option 'Stay on Top" in settings image and text.
I have mooved my layer text at right and i have tested the check box "stay on top"  for the layer text. But not work.


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Jason posted about 8 years ago

Make sure that in Main Settings --- Default Stay On Top is disabled - It has been a huge learning curve for all this, half the time you are not sure if its a bug in software or you missed a setting. 

But start and make sure that all the default " stay on top" are disabled

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