
Image Hover

Hi there,

Is there a way to remove the hover on images when selecting a design? 

I have created thumbnails for people to see so i dont need the big white box to pop up. Image has been attached for a better understanding. I'm sure some simple CSS would remove such a feature but not 100% sure.


(97.5 KB)
  • Please add this bit of custom CSS in your UI &  Layout composer:

    .fpd-thumbnail-preview{display: none !important}

  • Thank You Johnny!

  • Thanks alot! Worked great

  • Johnny,

    Is there a way to show the thumbnail on hover instead of the product replacement image? I just want to have the thumbnail enlarge a little when hovering over the image so more details can be shown.


  • Sorry, no that is currently not possible.

  • Hey Everyone, 

    I have a new problem with this CSS. while YES it does disable the thumbnail hover image as I did need. It also disables the ability to add a Fancy Design Image to the product. 

    I tested this on both a laptop and an iPad and the fancy designs were only disabled on the iPad, but you could click and add designs on the laptop. 

    Does anyone have any idea how to disable the hover image AND make sure the designs can still be added on a mobile device? 

    Thank you

  • any update? 

  • Hello, sorry to re-open this (quite old) discussion - I would like to remove the image preview which shows when you hover with the mouse over the thumbnails in the image module. Tried the custom CSS above but looks like it's not working anymore, any other way I can do that?

    Thank you.

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