Mobile Problemes with draggable-dialog box since update

Posted over 8 years ago by Stefan Urbi

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Stefan Urbi


first of all again thanks to this amazing plugin!
Since i updated to a newer version i have the Problem that the draggable dialog box,

which appears if you add text or want to upload something lays completely over the

fpd and i cant access anything (just on mobile)...
Did i something wrong ? How can i handle this Problem ? 

Best solution would be to close that window after entering a text or selecting an uploaded image is that somehow possible?

Thank you Stefan 

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Please take a look at the feature request forum do either find a discussion that fits your topic or create a new idea for this, thanks.

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Please take a look at the feature request forum do either find a discussion that fits your topic or create a new idea for this, thanks.

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Stefan Urbi posted over 8 years ago

or as i said bevore simply close the dialog box after entering a text or selecting an image ...

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Stefan Urbi posted over 8 years ago

ok i figuerd out that if you click the icon again the dialog box closes ....
That is not easy to understand for the user maybe place an x somewhere to close that dialog box on mobile 

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