Share Design Issue - FPD With MSPC

Posted over 8 years ago by John Reimann

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John Reimann

I'm using MSPC with FPD.

When I try to "Share Design" on social networks the image shared is NOT the customer design but an MSPC thumbnail.

Example: Here is a design -

But this is what you see when you share on facebook: 

1 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin Best Answer

The plugin is replacing the featured image via the wp_get_attachment_url filter hook. Thats the only possibility, if your theme or the plugin does not set the og:image from this source, then its a dedicated issue, we can not help you with.

We are using the X theme and having no problems with it. 

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Navneet Bhandari

Navneet Bhandari posted about 8 years ago

my other problem is share image is showing croped in facebook how to get full image when i will share image in fb


Attachments (1)

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Navneet Bhandari

Navneet Bhandari posted about 8 years ago

thanks dear

0 Votes


John Reimann posted about 8 years ago

That would be great thanks!

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 8 years ago Admin

Th next update will include an option to add the correct og:image tag in the head.

0 Votes

Navneet Bhandari

Navneet Bhandari posted over 8 years ago

I have solved my issue 

change in face book markup xml in these line (Change product to share and remove calalog before catlog/fancy_shares in fnt_product_design.php in catalog/controller/product/fnt_product_design.php)

$markupimage = substr($share_info['image'],0,strrpos($share_info['image'],"w")) . substr($share_info['image'],strrpos($share_info['image'],"w"));

   $this->document->setFBOG('og:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $markupimage);

add this line after product.php

<file name="catalog/controller/product/fnt_product_design.php">
<search position="replace"><![CDATA[$this->document->setTitle($product_info['name']);]]></search>
$this->document->setFBOG('og:type', 'product');
$popw = $this->config->get('config_image_popup_width');
$poph = $this->config->get('config_image_popup_height');
$markupimage = substr($product_info['image'],0,strrpos($product_info['image'],".")) . "-" . $popw . "x" . $poph . substr($product_info['image'],strrpos($product_info['image'],"."));
$this->document->setFBOG('og:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/cache/' . $markupimage);
$this->document->setFBOG('og:description', $product_info['meta_description']);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:card', 'product');
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/cache/' . $markupimage);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:image:width', $popw);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:image:height', $poph);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:description', $product_info['meta_description']);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:label1', $this->language->get('text_price'));
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:data1', $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_info['price'], $product_info['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax'))));
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:label2', $this->language->get('text_stock'));
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:data2', $this->language->get('text_instock'));
add this line after category.php
<file name="catalog/controller/product/fnt_product_category.php">
<search position="replace"><![CDATA[$this->document->setTitle($category_info['name']);]]></search>
$this->document->setFBOG('og:type', 'company');
$this->document->setFBOG('og:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $category_info['image']);
$this->document->setFBOG('og:description', $category_info['meta_description']);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:card', 'summary');
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $category_info['image']);
$this->document->setFBOG('twitter:description', $category_info['meta_description']);]]></add>


that is solution For opencart website

Check Url


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin Answer

The plugin is replacing the featured image via the wp_get_attachment_url filter hook. Thats the only possibility, if your theme or the plugin does not set the og:image from this source, then its a dedicated issue, we can not help you with.

We are using the X theme and having no problems with it. 

0 Votes


Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago

It seems to work fine on our demo site. I have asked the developer to take a look at it.

0 Votes


John Reimann posted over 8 years ago

Ticket Created.

0 Votes

Navneet Bhandari

Navneet Bhandari posted over 8 years ago

yes i m also getting same problem but if i will change in facebook markup xml 


$markupimage = substr($product_info['image'],0,strrpos($product_info['image'],".")) . "-" . $popw . "x" . $poph . substr($product_info['image'],strrpos($product_info['image'],"."));

   $this->document->setFBOG('og:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $markupimage);


$markupimage = substr($share_info['image'],0,strrpos($share_info['image'],".")) . "-" . $popw . "x" . $poph . substr($share_info['image'],strrpos($share_info['image'],"."));

   $this->document->setFBOG('og:image', HTTP_SERVER . 'image/' . $markupimage);

then it will show image url like name.-900x900.jpg

plz give some suggestion

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