Custom system fonts - Text gets very big after adding to card (Bug?)

Posted over 8 years ago by Ahmet Sevim

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Ahmet Sevim


Thank you very much for this great work! But I have a problem with the tool.
I want to add some system fonts so customers can use their favorite one (Like Arial, Comic Sans MS etc). But if I use system fonts in the customizer and add the custom design to the card, the texts get very big (see the attached screenshots).

Google fonts work fine but I need some standard fonts like Arial, Comic Sans MS etc. My input is: Arial, Comic Sans MS

Version: 3.03

Tested with WP versions: 4.4.2 and 5.0

Also already reinstalled the FPD.

Many thanks for this great work and thanks in advance!

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Please select a default font in the main settings, default element options, default font.

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Ahmet Sevim posted over 8 years ago

It didn't help. I'm facing the same behaviour. Some fonts just get very big in the product view (after adding to the card).

Actually I don't know why your solution should help. Maybe you 
misunderstood me?

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Please select a default font in the main settings, default element options, default font.

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