Share your color palette hex codes!
Like most people who use a custom product builder, we'd like to offer a pre-defined set of colors to pick from.
There are hundreds of Pantone color code out there and we'd like to know if some of you guys had already hand-picked a decent color set and if you were willing to share it with the community.
We're currently using an 81-colors palette that seemed to offer a decent selection to choose from for all colors. These are HTML-based color code, so ideally we'd prefer to use a pantone palette.
Until then, feel free to grab these code and use them with your site!
#ffffff, #000000, #333333, #666666, #999999, #cccccc, #cccc99, #9999cc, #666699, #660000, #663300, #996633, #003300, #003333, #003399, #000066, #330066, #660066, #990000, #993300, #cc9900, #006600, #336666, #0033FF, #000099, #660099, #990066, #cc0000, #cc3300, #ffcc00, #009900, #006666, #0066FF, #0000CC, #663399, #CC0099, #FF0000, #ff3300, #FFFF00, #00CC00, #009999, #0099FF, #0000FF, #9900CC, #FF0099, #CC3333, #FF6600, #FFFF33, #00FF00, #00CCCC, #00CCFF, #3366FF, #9933FF, #FF00FF, #FF6666, #FF6633, #FFFF66, #66FF66, #66CCCC, #00FFFF, #3399FF, #9966FF, #FF66FF, #FF9999, #FF9966, #FFFF99, #99FF99, #66FFCC, #99FFFF, #66CCFF, #9999FF, #FF99FF, #FFCCCC, #FFCC99, #FFFFCC, #CCFFCC, #99FFCC, #CCFFFF, #99FFCC, #CCFFFF, #99CCFF, #CCCCFF, #FFCCFF
Source :
Small correction, there were two duplicate colors at the end (#CCFFFF, #99FFCC) :
#ffffff, #000000, #333333, #666666, #999999, #cccccc, #cccc99, #9999cc, #666699, #660000, #663300, #996633, #003300, #003333, #003399, #000066, #330066, #660066, #990000, #993300, #cc9900, #006600, #336666, #0033FF, #000099, #660099, #990066, #cc0000, #cc3300, #ffcc00, #009900, #006666, #0066FF, #0000CC, #663399, #CC0099, #FF0000, #ff3300, #FFFF00, #00CC00, #009999, #0099FF, #0000FF, #9900CC, #FF0099, #CC3333, #FF6600, #FFFF33, #00FF00, #00CCCC, #00CCFF, #3366FF, #9933FF, #FF00FF, #FF6666, #FF6633, #FFFF66, #66FF66, #66CCCC, #00FFFF, #3399FF, #9966FF, #FF66FF, #FF9999, #FF9966, #FFFF99, #99FF99, #66FFCC, #99FFFF, #66CCFF, #9999FF, #FF99FF, #FFCCCC, #FFCC99, #FFFFCC, #CCFFCC, #99FFCC, #CCFFFF, #99FFCC, #CCCCFF, #FFCCFF
With a little bit of CSS this is what you get :
How did you get the CSS for the color palette versus picker?
Hey Saul,
We use this palette for all text elements.
As soon as you enter a set of HEX codes in the plugin General Settings (Element Properties > Custom Texts) the color palette will start to display instead of the color picker.
You can then adjust the CSS to display as desired.
All best,
Thank you for the info. Worked like a charm. Do you know if there is a way to insert a color name to pop up when the user hovers over the color with the mouse?
Thanks again.
You're very welcome.
We haven't tried that so far but you may be able to achieve this through the Color menu in the General Settings (Colors > Color Names).
Hope this works!
All best,
Double thanks. WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Awesome!