Update 3.0.1 having issues

Posted over 8 years ago by Paul Mckay

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Paul Mckay


After recently upgrading to version 3.0.1 - we're now experiencing a couple of issues with the plugin.


Clicking on 'Load in Order Viewer' doesn't actually appear to load any artwork and instead we're just presented with a loading screen - looking at the console log there's no errors for us to follow. Checking on Chrome, Firefox and Safari all display the same results. Any reason for this?


Upon actually creating / exporting the artwork as an SVG - it doesn't load / position the elements correctly within the created pdf so seems to be redundant. Also any update as to whether the ability to embed fonts in SVG exports will be working soon?


The pop up that usually comes when wanting to add an image or text on the front-end of the site is now on continuous show. Is there a way to disable this so it only appears when certain upload options have been clicked?


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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

First, please update to version 3.0.3 to see if any of your issues persist. If they do please open a ticket as we might need to have a look at your page. Thanks.

0 Votes



Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

First, please update to version 3.0.3 to see if any of your issues persist. If they do please open a ticket as we might need to have a look at your page. Thanks.

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