Swap Products

Posted over 8 years ago by Print 2020

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Print 2020


In some of the demo, there is a feature in the main panel that allows you to swap products but I can't seem to find it or any discussion about it.

I have purchased both FPD and MSPC so that I can allow users to choose from different templates for business cards, but neither allows me to do it. The MSPC only allows for a full image to be added and not a product with different elements.

How can I find the Swap Product feature or at least achieve what I'm trying to do with either of these plugins?

Many Thanks

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Yes, that or create a fancy product category and add that.

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thomas posted about 8 years ago

If i have a product with 10 views.
When i swap to another product with 10 views i get 20 views, the script doesn't replace the other 10 views.

How is this possible


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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Yes, that or create a fancy product category and add that.

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Print 2020 posted over 8 years ago

Figured it out, you have to add multiple fancy products to a single woo commerce product.

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