Minor issue in post-order lists --

Posted over 8 years ago by Jeremy Aaron Horland

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Jeremy Aaron Horland

I have noticed, that in the order logs for a customer's "my account" page and also in the post-checkout page

the items in the list of items ordered, when clicked, all click through to the first item ordered.  The list does not increment upwards to let you see item #2 or above in their product viewer pages.

For instance if you click product ordered # 2 it takes you to the first item, if you click #3 you also get the first item and so on and so on.

This is happening on these two pages but may also be happening elsewhere.

Anyone else see this?

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

I have created a ticket from this.

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

I have created a ticket from this.

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Jeremy Aaron Horland posted over 8 years ago

Has anyone had a chance to observe this?

I am still having a problem when anyone checks out with multiple FPD items, the "click to view" in the list of items ordered only ever clicks through to the FIRST item in the list.

So if a user orders three items, then wishes to review the third item or second in their list of items ordered, the click through only goes to the first item.  

Screen shots from "your orders" page as well as from the "review your order" page are included.  This bug happens in both places.

Is anyone else seeing this?

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