Not saving Fancy Product designer in WC product

Posted over 8 years ago by Gregor

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Using all latest, i canpick up demo FPD on product page, but after saving product, FPD field goes blank again.

I'm adding product not category.

Any idea?

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Not quite sure what you mean. Are you on the front end or the product builder in the back end? If you can not resolve this issue, please create a ticket.

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Gregor posted over 8 years ago

never mind .. it's working

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Gregor posted over 8 years ago

Any idea here? Thank you

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Ryan Ross posted over 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue.  In the backend, editing a product, selecting a category (or even a product), and then Updating or Saving the Woocommerce product, the selection is not saved.


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Gregor posted over 8 years ago


I have imported MOUSE PAD demo. Created new product in WC and selected product - MOUSE PAD in sidebox (Fancy Product Designer) then saved the product. When page reloaded after saving, FPD was not saved. Blank field ...

Of course then there is no "Customize it" on front end on single product page

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Not quite sure what you mean. Are you on the front end or the product builder in the back end? If you can not resolve this issue, please create a ticket.

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