Text Editor Position

Posted over 8 years ago by Viv

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Hello, I am new to FPD and learning the tricks... just have a question please can anyone confirm if the text editor should be able to float/be movable (as is possible with the design module) when adding a text layer in the front end (Woocommerce product). Currently it seems that the editor is in a fixed position and obscures the text layer below.

Is this a standard feature or a setting I can change? Perhaps even my theme settings? Please help. Thanks

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Sorry, the editor is not floating/ movable at the moment. It should however display slightly underneath the edited text:

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Viv posted over 8 years ago

Thanks that's working!


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Please download the lastest version 3.0.3 that should fix the issue.

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Viv posted over 8 years ago

Thanks for confirming the editor isn't floating but wonder why it displays above or over the text and not below it (which would be better) as per the example I attached. this is the same whether used inside product listing or on a separate page. Many thanks


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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Sorry, the editor is not floating/ movable at the moment. It should however display slightly underneath the edited text:

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