Order viewer still not working

Posted over 8 years ago by DKC

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I updated the plugin again (3.0.2.) but my order viewer still isn't working.. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin Best Answer

And why are you creating a topic with a title "Order viewer is not working" which is part of the admin. Please create a ticket, the other users did inspect any issues in loading the elements in frontend.

The topic will be closed now!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin Answer

And why are you creating a topic with a title "Order viewer is not working" which is part of the admin. Please create a ticket, the other users did inspect any issues in loading the elements in frontend.

The topic will be closed now!

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DKC posted over 8 years ago

Yes, didn't work for me either.. I opened a ticket. Did you fix it already?


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Mike Lynch

Mike Lynch posted over 8 years ago

Johnny, it's the elements in the frontend of the designer that are not appearing.

Backend is fine, but when a customer opens the designer the elements are not there.

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Mike Lynch

Mike Lynch posted over 8 years ago

Concret, did you figure this one out?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Another advice. Try to to use "save on server" in the general settings. If your order includes custom added images and you are not checked this option, your server is not able to proceed the string representation to the cart.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

We are not facing any issue, so we can only help you if you open a ticket, because you need to share the wp login credentials with us!

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Mike Lynch

Mike Lynch posted over 8 years ago

Confirm.  Have the same issue

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