Custom uploaded image going to wrong layer

Posted over 8 years ago by LCWH

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Am quite confused by the new version of FPD. 

One of our products has three elements: A background image, a foreground image (which is a copy of the background image with the center section transparent) and the upload zone. In version 2.x of FPD the user would upload their photo and FPD would position it between the two foreground and background elements so the person could see their customised product prior to purchasing.

The problem now with the new version is that the user uploads their image but instead of it being inserted between the element layers it is always being loaded on top and the customer then has to move the element layers about for it to look right. No matter what the element order we set the result is the same. It is causing confusion and putting customers off.

Please can you advise on this. I have attached examples of the old elements and the new ones with the issue.

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Please open a ticket from this if you are still having these issues, thank you.

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Ali Murat posted about 3 years ago

hello same problem

0 Votes


Ali Murat posted about 3 years ago

same problem, foreground have stay on top. And when I click "add image" or "add text" it adds them to the under of foreground. I unselect stay on top but this time it does not act as mask. so what should we do?

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George Martin posted over 5 years ago

Hi. I am having  similar issue. Sometimes (not every time) a user uploads an image into an upload zone, it will be added  to the center of the canvas instead of staying in the upload zone's area. In this case,  the image is also not sized appropriately. The only way to fix the issue is to delete the image that was uploaded, click the upload zone again and select the image again.

I have it set so bounding boxes are not on top.

Felix, what setting fixed your issue?

Thank you in advance for your help

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Felix Hirschfeld posted over 5 years ago

Sorry everything is fine, missed an option in the configuration

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Please share a link to your website or open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at this issue.

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Felix Hirschfeld posted over 5 years ago

Got this problem too :( 

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kamran posted over 6 years ago

hi iam still have same problem i have lateset version but when i upload image on upload zone it is not uploaded on that place exactly .
Here is the link

i try every setting but it still not fix plz solve this bug


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LCWH posted over 8 years ago

Hi Amber, it was a bug that caused the problem that has now been corrected with the new release of FPD. Update your plugin and it will sort itself out.

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Amber Chancey posted over 8 years ago

Did you find a solution to this issue? We are having the same problem and are wondering if it is a setting we need to fix or if it is a bug with the newest version 3 release.


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LCWH posted over 8 years ago

Ticket raised Johnny...

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Please open a ticket from this if you are still having these issues, thank you.

0 Votes


LCWH posted over 8 years ago

Tried all that Johnny with no luck, it just seems to be ignoring the element levels...

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago

Please try resetting the stay on top option for your masking layer (foreground). It can be found under the modifications tab in the product builder, element options.

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