


I added an upload zone with Black as available color, and that colors any png I put on that area, but when I do it in the fron end, the png logos keep their color. How do I limit the color for uploaded pngs as well? I mean, it's working for the ones I use in the Product Builder.

  • Sorry, there is no way of limiting the colors of uploaded images.

  • I have the same requirement/problem.
    Fixed elements on the page can have a specific palette of colors. So can text. But not uploaded images.
    I need the uploaded elements to match the fixed images and text, because everything will be printed in a single color.
    Even better if the color linking feature worked across all items.

  • If you do need this feature, please make a feature request in the feature request forum.

  • Does anyone know if this function been implemented? I noticed that it allows us to choose colors for the Upload Zone, but I can't seem to get the color picker to pop up on the customers' side so I assume I've missed a step on the configuration?



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