Fancy Designer as product Picture

Posted over 8 years ago by Michał Czajka

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Michał Czajka

Hello, in previous version i have set all that works perfect.

i have designer in place where should be product picture, but after upgrade i can't set it. 

please help me.

my webpage is


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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

There should be no problem with this if you are using this setting:

Please check that it is not overruled by a different setting in the individual product settings.

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Michał Czajka posted over 8 years ago

i have 3.0.1 version, before update everything was ok. replace product image is set up, width of the designer is set on 500 px as before (after update change dimensions to 1000 px).

what i have to change to work? 

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Michał Czajka posted over 8 years ago

It doesnt solve The problem. Theme Is mystile From wootheme.

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

There should be no problem with this if you are using this setting:

Please check that it is not overruled by a different setting in the individual product settings.

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