Simple requirements

Posted over 8 years ago by Laurie Williams

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Laurie Williams

I need to allow users to simply enter 3 lines of text.  I don't want them to be able to move the text or resize.

Is Fancy Product Designer the right solution to do this.   Basically I want the user to customize  predesigned label with their name, address and email.

I don't want them to be able to move text around on the image.  Is this possible with the plugin?  I'm unable to tell by the demo.


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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

Sorry, at the moment there is only the option of setting a character limit. Please head on over to the feature request forum.

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

Sorry, at the moment there is only the option of setting a character limit. Please head on over to the feature request forum.

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Jeremy Aaron Horland posted over 8 years ago

Second on the need for line limit as well as character limit, however if you use a bounding box in clipping mode, anything outside your text area's range disappears, and that works for a lot of people.  Website end-users, however do need something "simpler," and strict limits are "simpler."

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Laurie Williams posted over 8 years ago

Example of what we want to do:

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