Upload image issue

Posted over 8 years ago by Vincent Chan

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Vincent Chan

I have set that the limitation of the images as below.

DPI: 36

Min.height: 100

Min. width: 100

Max.height: 5000

Max.width: 5000

But I tried to upload 2 images to Fancy Product.

It shows the images is not enough dpi.

Attached a image for your reference.


Attachments (1)

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

There are currently some issues with the dpi recognition with jpg files. You'll need to set the required dpi to 0 to stop the error occurring, sorry.

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Dave posted over 3 years ago

So I cahnged the DPI to 0 as I was experiencing this blank error...but it did not solve the issue...still getting same error..

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Nimit Chavda posted almost 5 years ago

where to set this setting in backend please guide me 

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Pracheer Dixit posted about 8 years ago

I also having same issue I have change minimum DPI Less than 72 and than upload image but its showing me error ok and no picture upload in frame

anyone have any idea why its occured when uploading large size image

my setting for FDP Is

Min.height: 100

Min. width: 100

Max.height: 100000

Max.width: 100000

Uploading  image Size is 1.21 MB and pixel ratio is 3318 x 2212 

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

There are currently some issues with the dpi recognition with jpg files. You'll need to set the required dpi to 0 to stop the error occurring, sorry.

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