6.0.0 Beta

Posted about 1 year ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

This version will be released as BETA first. You can easily switch between V6 and the old version in Settings > Advanced. After Beta stage V6 will become the new standard of FPD and the old UI will not be available in upcoming updates.

Major changes

  • NEW User-Interface
  • Complete code rewrite for the frontend designer

Primarily we rebuilt the code of the frontend designer and created a pure VanillaJS application with no need of jQuery anymore. We removed some older third-party libraries and we are able to reduce the total Javascript file size. The new fps-js is now also available on github.

We also added the features of PLUS and Pricing Rules addon into the basis plugin.

New Features

Beside the new UI we did not add many new features. We want to be sure that the transition from old to V6 works smoothly. After the BETA stage we will continue with requested features from the feature request forum. Here are a few new features.

Reporting bugs

Please post any bug or issue into this thread or open a new ticket if you need to send us sensitive data to log into your backend.

What happens after BETA?

After BETA stage is completed, we will remove the Plus, Pricing Rules addons and the jQuery plugin from codecanyon.

Downgrade to older version

For those who are having issues with the new update and want to go back to the older version, just download it from here.

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Carl Jering posted 12 months ago


Does anyone else have the problem of not being able to enter text on mobile?

When I tip in the field to write, the input field disappears immediately like loosing focus. Tested on different mobiles (Huawei, Samsung, Motorola) in different Browsers (Egde, Chrome, Opera).

Is there a setting that changes this behavior?

Thanks ...

3 Votes


V.I. posted 12 months ago

I reported the problems below and through a ticket. Can you please check ticket #88690? I really need to solve the problem with product variations

0 Votes


erkanuzdur posted 12 months ago

When scale up text area dont scale text. only area scaling and goes outside 

1 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin


Okay, I will add that.

0 Votes


Gabe10128 posted 12 months ago


Could you add bac (or add an option to display)  the TITLE above the text input fields in the Text Layers Module? The text input field titles seem to have been removed in v6.0

0 Votes


V.I. posted 12 months ago

1.If customization  the button is added by short code, for products with variations, after selecting the variation, the customization button does not appear. 

2 When he clicks on the FILE or MORE tab, the menu that opens does not close if he clicks elsewhere. It only closes if you press again or choose an option 

3.In UI composer, on the toolbar, I would like to have the possibility to exclude the tools that I can also exclude in the old version. They are not all. 

4.  On the mobile when I select a loading area and the photo loading module opens, there is no close button in case I want to stop loading. It closes only after I load or select a photo

5. For UNDO and REDO, you have to press twice for it to take effect 

6. It would be great if there was a possibility that the Per-Pixel Detection option could be activated only for images or only for text. This would be very useful for mobile if the images are larger than the loading area and overlap other loading areas. This happens even now if the option is activated, but on mobile it is very difficult to select the text and for this reason I cannot use it. I believe that if this option can be activated to be active only for images, it would make the application much more mobile friendly 

7.It is necessary to have a scroll bar in the toolbar to be more intuitive for the customer to scroll. It would also be great if we could arrange the order of the tools in the toolbar 

8.If the design contains a transparent png image or a transparent svg, the transparency turns black. 

9.It would be great to be able to put at least 3 actions in the main bar. Now I notice that a maximum of 2 can be set. And I usually used the actions undo redo and reset which I consider essential 

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted 12 months ago

when Undo is in this bar like this. Undo doesn’t work that well. 

Attachments (1)

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted 12 months ago

One bug. If you add a text and undo that. The part to design is smaller. 

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin


I think you enabled the option "Open Text Input On Select" in Settings > Advanced. This opens the text input when a text element is selected, so other tools are not obvious to find. I recommend to disable that option.

0 Votes


Carl Jering posted 12 months ago


UI Layout Composer => Toolbar => exclude tools => Curved Text

Like another user mentioned: you can exclude curved text, but in the frontend it is not available

have not found it yet

1 Votes


dan marshall posted almost 1 year ago

Hey, Ok.

3/4/5/6 though - these are legit issues. I'm using a brand new fresh install of wordpress, only Divi, Woocommerce and your plugins installed, and these issues are present and make it unusable at current state.

I would be happy to share credentials for you to take a closer look yourself as maybe there's some unnoticed incompatibility?


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 1 year ago Admin


1. You can define the initial color how it should be displayed, either color wheel or palette.

2. You can edit that in the labels settings.

3. I do not know what you mean.

4, 5.. Working for us.

6. I do not have that issue in Safari using the latest version.

0 Votes


dan marshall posted almost 1 year ago

rebuilding my website on a new server now. new UI seems great on mobile compared to before. excited to switching to this, once it's fixed!

Noticing a good few issues already though so i will share here to help development:

1. Why is the colour wheel slector only available for Stroke colours, and not all colours as standard?

2. when adding an image - in the toolbar at the bottom - the space and spacing button says “Size & Spacing” where it cannot display the symbol properly.

3. curved text not showing as an option even though it’s enabled in settings

4. after clicking “click here for re-edit” - the page loads, but the designer is empty, with no info from previous

5. product image, and also cart thumbnail are not updated after clicking the tick box in the lightroom

6. fpd wont load at all in safari (using Version 14.1.3) and has the console error:

[Warning] jQuery.Deferred exception: Can't find variable: FPDFabricUtils (2) (jquery.min.js, line 2)

(anonymous function) — vinylart-co.stackstaging.com:197e — jquery.min.js

[Warning] jQuery.Deferred exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'fancyProductDesigner (jquery.min.js, line 2)

                        .addEventListener') (2)


[Info] Successfuly preconnected to https://fonts.gstatic.com/

[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: FPDFabricUtils

    (anonymous function) (jquery.min.js:2:31831)

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'fancyProductDesigner


    (anonymous function) (jquery.min.js:2:31831)


0 Votes


Carl Jering posted almost 1 year ago


Scrolling in the modal window to change designs, layouts etc does not seem to be possible.

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 1 year ago Admin

@Michel Please open a support ticket with your link.

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted almost 1 year ago

Are you ignoring me Radykal?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 1 year ago Admin

@Carl I next update I will show the scrollbar, so it will be obvious for the customers to scroll.

0 Votes


Carl Jering posted almost 1 year ago

There are only 4 visible text-tools in the toolbar. Is it possible to make the other tools visible or to adjust the size of the toolbar to make more tools visible?

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted almost 1 year ago

Still the issue in

Don't know if other customers also have this issue but the part you can design is with a border on the left and right. It doesn't fit the top bar correctly.

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 1 year ago Admin

@Iggy Thanks. Will be fixed in next update.

@Carl You will see the difference when you select an element in the canvas. The corner controls will change.

0 Votes


Carl Jering posted about 1 year ago


Is it possible, that changing the setting in

settings => general => display => style of control (advanced - basis)

have no effect?

0 Votes


Iggy posted about 1 year ago

When a Text Field is added with a bounding box.

The Max Lines field is not respected when the text is entered via:
with the shortcode [fpd_module type="manage-layers"]

or inside the popup that appeares

If the text is edited directly on design then the two line limit is triggered

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 1 year ago Admin

@Yuranye Please open a support ticket so I can have a look at it.

0 Votes


YURAYNE ALONSO posted about 1 year ago

@rady kal the price shows "$0" in the lightbox but my variations have prices, previously it was showing.


1 Votes


GunnarC posted about 1 year ago

Thanks for getting back. I´m having the Edit Text issue on samsung galaxy s22 ultra. 

0 Votes