6.0.0 Beta

This version will be released as BETA first. You can easily switch between V6 and the old version in Settings > Advanced. After Beta stage V6 will become the new standard of FPD and the old UI will not be available in upcoming updates.

Major changes

  • NEW User-Interface
  • Complete code rewrite for the frontend designer

Primarily we rebuilt the code of the frontend designer and created a pure VanillaJS application with no need of jQuery anymore. We removed some older third-party libraries and we are able to reduce the total Javascript file size. The new fps-js is now also available on github.

We also added the features of PLUS and Pricing Rules addon into the basis plugin.

New Features

Beside the new UI we did not add many new features. We want to be sure that the transition from old to V6 works smoothly. After the BETA stage we will continue with requested features from the feature request forum. Here are a few new features.

Reporting bugs

Please post any bug or issue into this thread or open a new ticket if you need to send us sensitive data to log into your backend.

What happens after BETA?

After BETA stage is completed, we will remove the Plus, Pricing Rules addons and the jQuery plugin from codecanyon.

Downgrade to older version

For those who are having issues with the new update and want to go back to the older version, just download it from here.

  • there will also be the possibility to select a variant in the canvas. 

    E.g. as default a shield


    1. without drill holes

    2. with drill holes

    Ideally, this should also be displayed visually. Practically the Multistep in the Fancy

    1 person likes this
  • @Rainer Please install again via Envato Market plugin.

    1 person likes this
  • Hello,

    after update the plugin doesn´t work. Missing the fancy designer on the page

    Need your help.
