
Posted about 9 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin


  • Now you can choose between products and categories as content for the product designer
  • Fancy Products admin: You can filter fancy products by ID, title and order
  • Search for Fancy Products
  • Pagination for Fancy Products in Fancy Products admin
  • Product Builder. Duplicate Layer Button
  • New option to set the minimum allowed DPI for custom uploaded images
  • You can set different available fonts for different product designers
  • Users can now share their customized designs on social networks
  • Set the allowed media types for every upload zone separately
  • Up/down layer buttons in the dialog box
  • Copy elements via new control icon
  • Set the dialog box to a fixed left or right position



  • The jquery.fancyProductDesigner-fonts.css is now stored in the wp-content/uploads/fpd-fonts directory
  • Product Builder: Now you can enter multiple hexadecimal color values in the colors field.
  • Clipping is now automatically enabled for all upload zones


Bugs fixed

  • If not custom fonts are set but google web fonts, some of them are duplicated in the dropdown
  • Maximum Characters default value not set correctly when installing the plugin the first time
  • Product Builder: Checking a checkbox removed all set colors for an element
  • When editing a product via „Quick Edit“ it will disable the Product Designer
  • Order with special characters could not be loaded into the Order Viewer
  • Clipping did not working correctly in sub views
  • Text can not be changed via textarea in Firefox
  • When the elements of a product with multiple views are loaded into the designer and elements have the same replace value in different views, the element in the first view is removed
  • Clipping not correct calculated when calling some methods
  • Some issues when reseting an element

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