
Posted 12 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bug: PHP error when displaying cart item thumbnail

  • New Option "View Thumbnails" (Addons settings): Display view thumbnails anywhere in the site

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

About curved text issues:

1. Leave the text alignment to left, otherwise it will be shifted on the radius axis.

2. In next update it will be improved when changing the font size and text alignment is left, then it will also scale from center. See screencast here https://recordit.co/odky1F79HE

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin


An upload zone is always excluded from export. Only the element that is added into the upload zone will be exported. There is no need to display the upload zone in the export, it just a visual placeholder for the customers where to add elements. Indeed this option is displaying in the product builder with no use, I will add to the todo list to hide it for upload zones so there is no misunderstanding.

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V.I. posted 12 months ago

@Maarten Schraven

Radykal put a download link for version 4.8.3 in this post:


This is the link: https://assets.radykal.me/fancy-product-designer_4.8.3.zip

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Maarten Schraven posted 12 months ago

Where can i download 4.8.3 i deleted my old version (yes i know i'm stupid)

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henry dunbar posted 12 months ago

I'm facing the same curved text issues as the commenter below. When curved text loads in it is way off centre. If alignment is changed to left aligned it then looks correct, but then if font size is changed it is broken and can't be fixed. 

Also as the bounding box now selects the entire theoretical circle that the curved text is around it is also not very usable as it often needs to be huge and is way off the canvas if, for example, you are curving a smallish word along a large radius. The usability was perfect before AWAKE where the bounding box only surrounded the word even when curved.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

We found an issue for calculating the correct size for the cart item thumbnail, this can lead to issue when having a large canvas size. Will be fixed asap. You can easily fix that in the source code yourself.

1. Open woo/class-wc-product.php.

2. Scroll to line 327 and update the two lines so it looks like this:

'cart_thumbnail_width'       => intval(fpd_get_option('fpd_wc_cart_thumbnail_width')),
'cart_thumbnail_height'     => intval(fpd_get_option('fpd_wc_cart_thumbnail_height')),

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Gabe10128 posted 12 months ago


Curved text alignment issue in 6.04 

(This was working as expected in earlier 6.xx versions) 

In v6.04, even though curved text alignment is set to "Centered" in the Product Builder (and behaves as expected on the back-end), the curved text alignment on the front-end is NOT "Centered" and therefore it gets skewed/shifted when editing the text using the Text Layers Module

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Leif Nielsen posted 12 months ago

Cart not working but only i header, It works fine if the cart is not in header ..... I use flatsome theme

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V.I. posted 12 months ago

@YURAYNE ALONSO I confirm. All loading areas have the export exclusion option activated. 

I don't understand why different problems appear with each update. The plugin is still not safe to be updated to version 6. 

Although version 6 looks very good, it has ruined a lot of what I have created so far with FPD. 

Options from the old version are missing, the width of the canvas is not displayed correctly in the lightbox, the "View Thumbnails" option does not help at all if you use FPD in the lightbox. There should also be the option to activate "View Thumbnails" inside the canvas. The cart page is still not working.

When will we have a stable version at FPD 6?

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YURAYNE ALONSO posted 12 months ago


I don't know if it's just me, but now all upload zones have the "Exclude layers from export" option turned on in the product builder and when I turn it off, save and refresh the page, it's turned back on.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Leif Nielsen posted 12 months ago

Cart is stil not worjking in 604  

Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/festsange.nu/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 3501  

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Leif Nielsen posted 12 months ago

Thanks for the thumbnails

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