Client design thumbnail in order email and admin order page

Posted about 5 years ago by Sam Dalli

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Sam Dalli

Can we have an option to have the client's design (maybe the same thumbnail as shown in the 'Cart page'?) displayed in the order email and the admin order page (including the order quick view page)

I know there's already the below implemented; however, this only displays the custom product picture - not the client's custom design.

This would really really ease our fulfilment processes as we won't need to load the client's design each and every time to match the custom printed product to the order.

Thank you! :) 

3 Votes


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Paul van Dun posted almost 5 years ago

@ Radykal,

Possible to show a bigger image than this small thumbnail?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin

This will display the custom product design, be sure you have the latest version installed.

0 Votes


Sam Dalli posted almost 5 years ago

Thanks for this. Doesn't this show an image of the 'product thumbnail' though, and not the client's customised design?

Would be very helpful if we could have the client's customised design instead of the product thumbnail.

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin

You can find an option "Product Thumbnail" in the FPD settings > WooCommerce > Order. The Quick View in the backend does not support this!

0 Votes


Sam Dalli posted almost 5 years ago

Is this an already available function?

If yes, I can't seem to locate this functionality anywhere - can you guide me, please?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin

The custom product design can be displayed in the order email and the admin order page.

0 Votes

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