How to add individual fancy product into a woocommerce product without using category?

Posted over 9 years ago by ivanxiang

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Hi~just got a question: How can we add individual fancy product into a woocommerce product without using category??

And when could we reorder all the fanycy products like reordering all the views? It’s really quite essential I guess~: )

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 9 years ago Admin

This feature has been added in version 2.1.0.

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Sharther1971 posted about 9 years ago

any fix available ? i am in same situation 

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BRIJESH posted about 9 years ago

how can i add .change products lable in below templete 

0 Votes


Deddy H posted about 9 years ago

Please vote for this functionality so that the author knows that it's important for us..  and perhaps implement it faster. :D


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Captooori posted about 9 years ago

Yes, this would be very useful functionality. One woocommerce product referring to one design only instead of many designes. I assume the only solution now is to use one design per category that end up having abundance of categories. Unless there is other workaround.

BTW very very good tool, I am surprised by the functionality and flexibility! :)


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Deddy H posted over 9 years ago

Yes I second  that idea. It would be very useful to have this functionalityindeed. 

That way we would be able to use FPD plugin to design individual woocommerce product so that we can sell it to other online clients.

The faster we can have this functionality the better. :)

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 9 years ago Admin

I am going to improve this in the next bigger update thats coming in May. Then you can decide if you want to select single fancy products or categories!

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