
Product Image for Variable products

Love the product you have created.

Would like to suggest a minor fix for variable products -

I have created a variable product called Business Cards where i give the customer the option of 

1. Single or Both side printing

2. Choice of paper

3. Quantity

The Customize It button comes above these options. When the customer clicks the Customize button the designer opens and the customers adds his/her text, images etc and clicks done. The product image changes to what the customer has designed. But after this when the customer chooses the options mentioned, the product image changes to the original product image which is set before the Customization.

It would be great if the product image gets locked to the designed product view after customization in the designer and it does not change when the customer makes the choices of the options.



1 person likes this idea
  • This feature is included since V2.0.0