
Posted over 5 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- Added new page sizes for print-ready export

- FPD Product title is displayed in order page https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000021536

- Improved Design Options Modal

- Now you can set individual sources for the FPD in every WooCommerce product when using WPML. That allows to load different products into the designer based on the selected language in frontend.

- Set a global color palette in Default Element Properties - All images https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000018101

- Link the text of different text elements, changing the text of one element will also change the text of the other elements with the same " Text Link Group" value https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000015732

- Allow unproportional scaling for text https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000007411. Enabling this option disables the bottom/right corner control of an element as font size adjuster.

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