Fancy product name in order viewer
From what i can see in there is no way of showing the fancy product name in the order viewer or woocommerce orders.
It would be great if the fancy product name could appear in order viewer and not only the title of the woocomerce product.
Yes! Ideally named after 'design + product ( + variant)
So 'Face Tee Grey' for instance
Yes, that would be very useful. And it should include the selected color, as Ian says, yes.
Please add this function. It is strange that for the entire lifetime of the designer it has not been added.
Any news on this feature request? It is a basic thing.
Included in V3.9.1
You can also make this option for users - in the cart so that there is also information
Yes, in the cart would be great too
Opened a new feature request for this with for cart and order emails with separate configuration options to separate it from element properties. the thread can be found here: