
Customized Product Image attached on email


we need to have the product image customized as a PDF, JPEG or PNG attached to the mail with the voucher because if not, is impossible that the admin checks how the product is. In some companies they need the image because one manages the online shop but then somebody else creates the product.

Is very important to have the final image exported on the email as an individual image, as if it was a voucher.

8 people like this idea
  • Hi, again, what do you people think about this request?
    I think is a must have for everyone that we can have the final image attached on the email when you receive the order ;)
    As a PDF or JPG, whatever format, but to have it.


  • It's a must have. Couple of my customers don't understand that they receive a standard image. Please add this :-)

  • Killer future :-D 

  • SUPER!

  • Nice... also in the customer email so the customer can see immediately the customized product in the email.

     P.S. one image per view 

  • It's a must have. So that the customers see their work immediately. We need this also in our invoice.

  • Any ETA for this feature? 

  • Love it!

  • Any ETA for this function :-) 

  • Yes, many people are awaiting for this and will be happy ;)

  •  I think there is a misunderstanding.

    We only need if the product thumbnail would be replaced with the thumbnail of the designed product in all emails.

    We don't need an attached file.

    It's the same thumbnail which is displayed in the cart.

    That's enough, so that the customer see, what he has designed.

    I think the FPD-support-team is so good, that it will be no problem, to change the thumbnails.

    Thanks in advance

  • In progress :-D Let's hope for a good release soon ;-)

  • Included in V3.9.2

    Its part of the next feature "Automated Export" which is only available in the ADMIN solution and the premium plan. More infos can be found here:

  • Just like axel says. We only need if the product thumbnail would be replaced with the thumbnail of the designed product in all emails. We don't need an attached file. Is this possible?
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