Photo Orientation

Posted over 8 years ago by Gerard Haughey

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Gerard Haughey

A number of clients have advised me that when uploading photos taken from an iphone that the orientation is incorrect when placed within a design. Portrait images once placed end up landscape!

I realise that you can then rotate the image which is fine but my clients rely on simplicity.

I have tested such an iphone photo (portrait orientated) on a competitors website with a similar 'web to print' interface and the photo orientates correctly. This makes me think that there must be something that can be done from a coding perspective.

Submitted for consideration.

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Greg Dekirmenjian posted over 4 years ago

This got fixed in new versions?

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Greg Dekirmenjian posted over 4 years ago

so did this get fixed with updated versions?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Fixed in 3.0.0, but only when the images are saved on server and added to the canvas!

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Gerard Haughey posted over 8 years ago

That's great Rafael. Your plugin is quite remarkable and it's nice to see you continuing to further develop and improve it.

Regards - Gerard


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

I am aware of this bug and will be fixed in next version.

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