Zip file sent via email to admin containing all design elements

Posted almost 9 years ago by Denis Benoit

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Denis Benoit


Prior to using this great plugin, I used another plugin that was similar in terms of functionality; but, it did not perform anywhere near as well as FPD. I truly love this product.

However, the one thing that I loved about the other plugin was that upon receiving confirmation of an order, my email contained a zip file with each individual element that made up the customized product. I would simply forward this email to my manufacturer and that was it! They had everything they needed to make the product and ship it. Now, I have to go into the order, export the elements, create an email, and send it to the manufacturer manually. Not so bad for a few orders a month, but for hundreds or thousands its impossible. I'm sure many other FPD users operate their store in a similar manner, and I truly believe that many people would be thrilled if you implemented this feature.  

With this feature, the plugin would become fully automated. Keeping my fingers crossed for this one and I thank you for your time and consideration.


Denis Benoit

8 Votes


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Andy Taylor posted over 5 years ago

Any chance we can see samples of the files produced in admin in the new solution please??

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Now part of the ADMIN solution. In the "Output File" dropdown select "ZIP: PDF + Images"

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

@George Yes this will also be part of the automated export. I am going to include it in December.

0 Votes


George Kepnick posted over 5 years ago

Seems like this is maybe doable through the monthly admin account? I would love if I could have this.

0 Votes


kameleon Premier posted over 8 years ago

in printing , you often have an image larger than the finished size , so there is no white border . In the designer, you can create a layer mask to show the customer the limit of the object. A color mask . But when you export the file, the admin receives a single image with the mask . We should be able to receive all the separate layers and then , in the admin , choose Layers that can be printed.


0 Votes


Bastien posted over 8 years ago

Looking forward to have more options to handle orders' media files too. Would be great to have everything sent as described above!

You could define a general export setting and a product-level export settings.

0 Votes


Danny Spurlock posted almost 9 years ago

+1 would be great.

0 Votes

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