Accessing Saved Designs

Posted almost 9 years ago by Gregory

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We have built separate instances of the Designer for short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, etc. When a user Saves their design, it would be great if these Saves could be Loaded from any other product. As it works now, the Saved Designs are only accessible on the exact product the design was Saved from. We have a minimum order of 12 but allow our customers to mix up the items we print on. This way users are required to recreate their design for each item they want to purchase.

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Brent posted about 6 years ago

Plus one for misstischii's idea!

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FPD Customer posted about 6 years ago

Hey radykal,

is it possible to save design (not products) now? I have the same FPD instances as Jelmer de Jong ... the customer should be able to save his design and use this in other products.


For me, certain motives are also charged. Of course, these already charged costs may not be recalculated when loading into another product!


It looks like I can save a product with the graphic layout with an optional name. But this storage is only on the same product ...


What did I set wrong?

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Efbi posted almost 7 years ago

I think there's a problem with the name of the option "When the user saves his products, it will be stored in his account and not in the storage of the used browser." 

It's as if there's a link in my account to see my saved design, I search and no.

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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Anirban, that happens automatically now. If you save a product and then go to another product, you can load the saved design from there. I've tested it and it works. 

However, I would love to have a distinction between saving a design in your account instead of the browser, and loading a saved design into another product. Two different things, I think.

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Anirban posted almost 7 years ago

Radykal, thank you very much for implementing this! Fantastic addition.

But one concert is how to access the saved products in any other page?


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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Thanks for your quick response.

1. Yes, I do see that now. In the changelog the option to load a saved design in another product is not mentioned, hence my confusion. It would be nice if these two features were separated in the next release.

2. Is this simply how Wordpress works, you mean? It wouldn't be possible to add a login button that opens in a pop-up/lightbox, that does not require a reload of the page so that the customized product can be saved?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

1. The initial feature request is "When a user Saves their design, it would be great if these Saves could be Loaded from any other product". Sorry but when you use this feature, you can load from all other products.

2. The site must be reloaded to fetch if someone is logged in, currently thats the way how its working.

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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

You link to this thread in the changelog:

- Option to save customised products in user's account instead of his browser.

But this thread is really about something else.

Is it possible to add an option to have the option to save the products in the account instead of the browser, but then not be able to load another product into a different product. 

On the other point: if you have to reload the window where you are not logged in, in order to log in, you lose your customization. This reduces the customer friendliness dramatically.

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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Ah yes, I see. My apologies, I hadn't read it correctly. I was thinking of an another feature request, to save designs in the account not in a cookie. 

I'm on the wrong thread. Once again, my apologies.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

This feature request is about "When a user Saves their design, it would be great if these Saves could be Loaded from any other product...."

Of course you have to reload the window where you are not logged in and you log into another window.

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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Another issue: if you weren't logged in when you started changing the design, you won't be able to save. It will give the warning that you need to be logged in, but then when you log in in a different window, you still will not be able to save in the first window with the product design open. 

Is it possible to add a renewed check when you try to save in the original window? Otherwise a customer needs to log in before they ever change the design.

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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Radykal, thank you very much for implementing this! Fantastic addition.

There seems to be a small bug with this new feature. When I save designs of a few different products, I can load a design of one product within another product. This is not possible with the other method, when it's saved in the cookie. It should not be possible to save a saved design into a different product, due to different prices, sizes, etc. Can you look at this?

And a question: when we select this new way of saving, can customers still load a design that they saved into a cookie earlier?

Thanks for your response!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

Included in V3.4.9

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Maxim posted almost 9 years ago



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