Greater Image Quality Control..

Posted almost 9 years ago by John Reimann

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John Reimann

Although we can set min/max file size etc for customer uploaded images it would be great to have more control over this.

1) Set min/max width/height for images

2) Add Quality warning so if uploaded image is less than XX customer can still use but received quality warning.

3) When customer zooms in their image in designer, a quality warning is displayed if they zoom too much based on above criteria.



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Codifier Coder posted over 4 years ago

Any solution for this in the latest version?

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John Reimann posted almost 9 years ago

My mistake - But 2) and 3) would also be excellent!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 9 years ago Admin

1. You can set the min./max. image dimensions in settings - default element options - custom image options section.

2. You can define the min. allowed DPI in settings as well.

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