price on width and height of image upload

Posted about 9 years ago by gagan saini

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gagan saini

Is it possible to display price on the basis of width and height of image uploaded and logo used . As we increase the size of the logo and image price should be increased and option to turn on/off this feature for each product.

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michele talozzi posted almost 5 years ago


Now is it possible to set the price based on length and height? is it possible to establish that 1 square meter is equivalent to a precise figure?


thank you

0 Votes


Mr.LobsterEater posted about 6 years ago

Hello. Is it possible create dynamic pricing rule? Something like this

Total_Price = Base_Price +  (Width * Height * Value_Defined_By_User)

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

This is now possible through a new add-on.

WooCommerce/WordPress version:

jQuery Version:

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

Yes, it will cost between $15 and $19.

0 Votes


Andre B posted almost 7 years ago

do we need to buy the plugin? how mich will it be?


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

This feature will be available in a new add-on called Pricing. It allows you to define own pricing rules on various element properties. The official demo is already online.

The add-on will be available in the next few days on codecanyon.

0 Votes


flys posted almost 7 years ago

Waiting for this feature to use fancy product designer

0 Votes


Andre B posted almost 7 years ago



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Andre B posted about 7 years ago

Any news on this?
thank you!


0 Votes


Andre B posted about 7 years ago

i am really looking forward to this. Any ideas when it could be available? Just good to know if we proceed with new products or wait ....


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Mariusz posted about 7 years ago

We assume that 1cm x 1cm = 118px x 118px. It's good print quality.

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Mariusz posted about 7 years ago

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin

Does anyone has an example for the calculation? For example 1000x2000 => $10, 2000x2000=>$15?

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Andre B posted almost 8 years ago

that would be great! please! Any news on that?


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Mariusz posted over 8 years ago

Is it done?

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Mike posted almost 9 years ago

When will this feature be available?

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gagan saini posted about 9 years ago

thats great where i will find this update

0 Votes


Lajos Rejto posted about 9 years ago

I would add that layer will be of any price change by scaling.

For example, it is very useful to design a t-shirt printing, the image depends on the size of the print.

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