Different Product Design for different variations

Posted about 9 years ago by Darshan

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Just wanted a minor feature which other woocommerce product designer offers but this plugin doesn't :-

-- It would be great if we could assign separate design for different product variations , so if customer chooses variation from dropdown and click Customize button, it loads variation specific design in stage/customizer canvas

I hope author will consider this feature

Thank you


13 Votes


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David Fozdar posted over 6 years ago

The other problem is that you can't set "individual product settings" per variation. If my variations are based on size, I've got to be able to adjust my bounding box size requirements. Also, image requirements change in terms of pixel requirements.

IMO, this was not implemented very well. It should be modified.


0 Votes


Andreas posted almost 7 years ago

This works, but has one big problem: Any pre-defined Text Boxes gets reset to their standard content/placeholder every time you change the product this way. I spent hours setting my shop up with product variations, only to find out I couldn't use it. Created tickets, didn't get any attention.

0 Votes


David Fozdar posted almost 7 years ago

I haven't tested this feature since I designed my sites without the functionality. However, being able to change the canvas size per variation is crucial since often times you're dealing with product size variations, which have different graphic upload requirements. This was a great feature to implement.

I haven't tested how the MSPC interfaces with this feature, but it should be made to work anywhere you use the PD on your site, and whether you have simple or variable products.


0 Votes


Keystone Jesus de Andrade posted almost 7 years ago

This has been resolved but does not work with the Multistep Product Configurator custom attribute. help!

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin

If you have any issues, please create a ticket, because we need your wp login credentials.

0 Votes


Lucky Adirake posted about 7 years ago

Customize button not showing after variation select


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin

Its included in V3.4.3, now you can set a product for every variation. In the WooCommerce settings you also find an option to display the "Customize" button first after a variation is selected.

0 Votes


Lucky Adirake posted about 7 years ago

 When you plan to implement this feature. Or do you suggest any alternative solutions ?

0 Votes


eCollect posted over 7 years ago

I recommend just moving the metabox with the fancy product template to the woocommerce product metabox. For single products e.g. to general and for variations to the variation tabs. In my opinion it's also more consistent than a seperate metabox on products edit page.

0 Votes


Caesar posted over 7 years ago

The WooCommerce Products Designer by OrionOrigin does this. I tested this plugin but it has been giving me issues so I switched to Fancy Product Designer.

The link below directs you to the designer page where you can first chose the color of the shirt, then when you go to customize, it'll load the black color of the shirt.

I really hope Fancy Product Designer can implement this because it would really be useful for my sites as I want to sell various T-Shirts with different colors and want to load that T-shirt color within the designer.

Link to Designer Page:


0 Votes


andrius stoncaitis posted over 7 years ago

I think he means like this example. Same design on different products. I need this future....

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Dusan Kurta posted over 7 years ago

I do not have an example of this, but I would love to see someone make it happen. c'mon Radykal!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 7 years ago Admin

Do you guys have an example of another solution with this kind of feature?!

0 Votes


eCollect posted over 7 years ago

Is this already implemented?


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Joker Web posted almost 8 years ago

This feature will leave the much more versatile plugin and solve other feature requests.


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Bastien posted over 8 years ago

A better variation support would be indeed good to see!

0 Votes


Cleber Paiva de Souza posted over 8 years ago

I hope this feature be available soon.

0 Votes


alexus posted about 9 years ago

Its already done by authors plugin. http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/solutions/articles/5000585017-using-mspc-with-fancy-product-designer
But i agree it would be great to support variations of woocommerce by default


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Stewart Fernandez posted about 9 years ago

I really need this feature for my product


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