Fancy Product Designer + Multistep Product Configurator using attributes can change multiple views

Posted about 9 years ago by Scott Wayne

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Scott Wayne

Right now the integration between Fancy Product Designer and the Multistep Product Configurator works amazingly well when there is just one layout view (i.e. a 'Front' view). An example of this can be seen at this address:

I am requesting the ability for someone to choose an attribute through Multistep and have it change throughout all views. This seems like a pretty normal case scenario. Imagine a product where a user can customize two different sides. For example:

I have 8 metallic color images as attributes (since just a pure color is not enough to show the quality of the background) that I use for the background of a product and the expected behavior is if the user selects a variable attribute either on side 1 or side 2 of the product, the other side will be linked and changed with this choice. Currently it is not - I can select say, metallic red on side 1, but when I select side 2, the image on the canvas has not been changed. I have to re-click the variation to have this match the side 1 selection.

It seems like this should work because I see a linking behavior option in FPD, but it doesn't seem to work for images. Hopefully this can be implemented!

15 Votes


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Dsuinfotech posted about 1 month ago

in my FPD Layout option not shows anyone can suggest how to activate?

0 Votes


Dsuinfotech posted about 1 month ago

Yes i am also searching for resoltion of same.

i am working on Canvas Printing site.

Now user come on canvas product choose attribute as 40x27mm than canvas size automatically change if user choose 40x30mm than automatically it;s change. if not possible than can i link FPD product view to woocommerce variation ?

because i see inside woocommerce variation shows only single product name of FPD even in FPD > View > i click link product > enter ID always shows product id not found.
anyone will be help now will be very helpful for me.


0 Votes


Rhiannon Doyle posted almost 4 years ago Admin

Hi Mark!

Yes you can absolutely achieve this without adding more than one image. Rather than mask out the exact shape for replacement you would invert it to a transparent area and place the fabric image to be replaced behind it. If you "replace in all views" and each view has a transparent area then you'll get the same result using only one image.

0 Votes


therealm posted almost 4 years ago

Hi Rhiannon,

do you know what I mean?

It would be helpful (and IMHO necessary) that you can define more than one graphic for replacement.

Right know for example you can only replace the backside of a shirt with the frontside.

Best regards


0 Votes


therealm posted almost 4 years ago

Hi Rhiannon,

thank you very much for your reply! I am not sure if I have described my problem clearly.

In your example with woocommerce attributes (MSPC): Can you show me, how I can add a second view (backside), which gets updated (same material/color as the frontside) when you change the material in the front-view:

Thank you in advance and best regards


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Rhiannon Doyle posted almost 4 years ago Admin

To replace different views within the same product you'd use the Layouts Module. Or you could use Woocommerce variations to swap the whole Fancy product.

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therealm posted almost 4 years ago

Not yet. Anyone else?

@rady kal: is this possible? (replacement of different images in different views; for example the front and the back of a tshirt)

If not: This would be a great improvement!! Sure, actually it works really really fine with the replacement of one image.

In my case, I use FPT in combination with your MSPC to change the color of a t-shirt with replacing of the t-shirt photos. Unfortunalety this does only work with the front side / not work with the backside of a shirt, because the MSPC works with replacements and I only can replace 1 photo. Is it possible to work with layers here? But the sense with layers is to change the color of the alpha-transparent layer and not changing the whole image. In my understanding: replacement is mandatory

Thank you in advance
Best regards

0 Votes


Clément jonathan posted almost 5 years ago

Hi all I see that I'm not the only one who has this problem ... did anyone finally find a solution to replace a different image in multiple views? (front and back for example)

0 Votes


Colin Lim posted over 5 years ago

Trying to resurrect this as well please! 

Replace multiple views only replaces with the single image that is associated with the attribute.

We need to be able to associate a unique image for each view to an attribute, for replace multiple views to work as needed.

0 Votes


snehal kulkarni posted almost 7 years ago

I am looking for same. we have different size and shape of product. And also top view. So when user add product in front view I have set replace option so that user select different size then it will get replace with current one. But we also have top view for which we are different svg. Question is that is there any way when we replace or add image in front view, Other image (required one) will get replace in top view.

0 Votes


Wendel Gart posted about 7 years ago

You can replace images, that are selected in MSPC, in all views. So what you are looking for will function if you use the replace function. This video explains how it works: 

If this doesn't solve your problems, could you please give an example and explain exactly which function you are looking for?

0 Votes


Samuel Petrusma posted about 7 years ago

Looks like I need this too, any update?

0 Votes


Trae posted about 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem with regards to front & back views that need to change simultaneously when an attribute is chosen. Is there a solution?

0 Votes


Carlos Godo posted over 7 years ago

I am sorry to resurrect this thread but this is definitely NOT implemented. The author even had to open a ticket 9 months ago. If this is being worked, move the status to In progress, but don't leave it as Implemented as the solution provided clearly did not fulfill the requirements being request.

By the way, I also need this, guess what, my product has two views and bought MSPC just for that purpose...

0 Votes


Robin posted over 7 years ago

Is my "feature request below" the same issue as this one? - If so dare I suggest it is not yet implemented

In MSPC for a fancy design
, we have the attribute groups set up and all the colours & sizes are showing properly so we pick a yellow of an allowed size and the customiser shows a yellow tee shirt.... BUT when we select the back (or sleeves) it defaults to an original colour (in our case white)

I am guessing this is because we only have one image in the product attribute group, but then we cannot see where to add a second (or more rightly front, back, left & right sleeves - and I suppose for non t-shirts, top and bottom). 

So the ability to associate 5 additional attribute pictures (back, left, right, top, bottom) - I can't think of a use case for more, but could be wrong)...

Dare I suggest it is a fairly important fix/update to get the products working is sync?

0 Votes


Duncan Wright posted almost 8 years ago

Thats great. been working with this plugin for about a week now building a site selling embroidered shirts, and the the MPC works great for changing/selecting the colour of the front of the shirt, and although you can chenge the image on the back it needs to be a different image to the front. Ability to replace different views with different images would make this already excellent plugin even better.

So far this is the only issue I have found with it. So a solution would be great.

0 Votes


Scott Wayne posted about 8 years ago

Just a small update on this issue - I created a support request/ticket for this and the developers are "working towards" functionality like this.

0 Votes


Marc posted about 8 years ago

Yes this is an issue and has basically meant the Multistep plugin is useless to us. We have a front and back view for a product and want to use the "steps" for the use to select a background image for each view. In each view we have set a replace Element and associated that with the product attributes and variations. 

What happens is the user selects a front image and it works but when they select a back image it appears on the front and half off the screen. It just doesnt work.

0 Votes


Scott Wayne posted about 8 years ago

My issue is that I have one image representing an attribute. Inside the FPD options for the attribute, you associate a replace value name (variable). Then you use this variable name in the product builder on the layer you want to swap. I've duplicated my second view from this 1st view, and it doesn't work the way it should. You have to click twice on the attribute for it to update "across all views" - even when the setting is checked in global preferences and the individual product detail FPD preferences. 


0 Votes


Paul S posted about 8 years ago

From my understanding it would need a unique image that is linked to each different view. So if there was a side view that had one image on it, in blue for example, then the back view would need to have a different image in the same color but showing the object from a different side. Could you please indicate if this if the REPLACE IN ALL VIEWS option would replace different images in different views that were linked together?

0 Votes


Scott Wayne posted about 8 years ago

It appears that this is still not implemented. Selecting a product attribute with multistep that uses an image to represent the attribute, like a color, does NOT work across multiple views...


0 Votes


Scott Wayne posted about 8 years ago

Where is the "Replace in all views" option?


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Added in 3.0.0. Via "Replace in all views" option.

0 Votes


james eltherinton posted almost 9 years ago

Strangely this does work when you have different FPD products linked via FPD category in the same WOO product. 

But not of much use as this wont add both FPD products to the order.

Replacing an image really should work across multiple views.

0 Votes


james eltherinton posted about 9 years ago

This would be a great idea.

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